We had a great annual NOPP meeting at the Marine Research Center of USM in Gulfport (1/24-1/25) to discuss the project results from the 6 teams involved. The meeting featured both poster and oral presentations by students, postdocs, and PIs.
In addition we had invited additional speakers from outside the project to provide a broader perspective:
- Jacqueline McSweeney from Stony Brook University: New Observations of Internal Waves in the New York Bight
- Julian Simeonov from NRL: Sediment mobilization by internal waves/tides on the California shelf
- Ian Stokes from Scripps Insitution of Oceanography: The importance of transition layers on windwork and NIWs
- Sam Kelly from University of Minnesota Duluth: Global Simulations of Low Mode Near Inertial Waves
- Laura Hode from FNMOC: Overview brief for the NOPP